Your ophthalmologist in Geneva

Dr Cyrielle Bela
Specialist in Ophthalmology, member FMH. Ophthalmic surgery, Oculoplasty, FEBO.
  • Cataract surgery
  • Eyelid, lacrimal and orbital surgery
  • Aesthetic eye surgery
  • Botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid injections


French, English

Professional experience

2022: Opening of Dr. Bela's ophthalmology and oculoplastic center - Chemin de Beau-Soleil 12, Geneva


2019: Installation in collaboration with Dr. Joel Salzmann - Clinique Générale Beaulieu, Geneva


2018: Fellow in oculoplastic and orbitopalpebral surgery - Moorefield Eye Hospital, London


2016-2018: Senior Registrar in oculoplastic and cataract surgery - Hôpital Ophtalmologique des 15/20, Paris


2015: Intern in oculoplastic surgery - Fondation Ophtalmologique A. de Rothschild, Paris


2011-2014: Postgraduate training in ophthalmology and oculoplastic surgery - Jules Gonin University Hospital, Lausanne


2002-2010: Medical studies, Faculty of Medicine Paris V René-Descartes


University Diploma in Orbito-Lacrymo-Palpebral Surgery

University Diploma in Aesthetic Injection and Filling Techniques

Diploma in Botulinum Toxin Injection Techniques

University Diploma in Refractive and Cataract Surgery

University Diploma in Contact Lens Fitting

FMH in ophthalmic surgery

FMH in Ophthalmology

European Board Of Ophthalmology (EBO)

Swiss FMH doctor

Diplôme de Médecin Université Paris V René-Descartes


Member of the European Society of Orbital-Palpebral and Reconstructive Surgery ESOPRS

Member of the French Society of Ophthalmology SFO


Médecin formateur pour l’injection du cerne - Laboratoire Teoxane

Enseignante et coordinatrice du Diplôme Universitaire d' Oculoplastie CUOPE - Faculté de médecine de Paris - Créteil

Scientific publications

Oculoplasty is a sub-specialty of ophthalmology. It covers the management by your ophthalmologist of all ocular adnexal pathologies, from diagnosis to treatment. The annexes of the eye are all the structures around the eye: eyelids, lacrimal ducts, orbit. Dr. Bela is one of the few FMH ophthalmologists in Switzerland to specialize in oculoplasty. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone.

DIU dissertation

Rédaction Du Rapport 2019 De La Société Française D'Ophtalmologie
Urgences en ophtalmologie Chapitre “Urgences en paupières, orbite, voies lacrymales” - coordinateur Dr JL Bourges.


Prise En Charge Des Carcinomes À Cellules De Merkel Palpébraux : À Propos De Deux Cas.
Bela C. ; Egri S. ; Amar N.; Piatton J-M. ; Service Pr Borderie, CHNO Hopital des XV/XX, Paris


Relation Between Oculopalpebral Papilloma With Dysplasia And Presence Of Human PapillomaVirus (HPV)

Bela CH, Oberic A., Hamedani H.


Dacryadenitis Due To VZV : An Unusual Présentation
Bela CH, Oberic A. , Matet A. , Mayer C., Hamedani H. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2015;232 :1-3


Abnormal Extraocular Muscle Insertion In Williams Beuren Syndrome (WBS).
Bela C, Klainguti G.Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2014 Apr;231(4):382-3. doi: Epub 2014 Apr 25.


Systematic Occlusion Of Shunts: Control Of Early Postoperative IOP And Hypotony-Related. Complications Following Glaucoma Shunt Surgery.
Sharkawi E, Artes PH, Oleszczuk JD, Bela C, Achache F, Barton K, Bergin C. J Glaucoma. 2014 Nov 7.